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Winter Programs

During the cold winter months, many of us don't feel like spending too much time outside.  So, instead, spend some time at the Colossal Fossils Downtown Museum in historic downtown Wausau, Wisconsin!  Special talks and programs are now being scheduled, beginning in January of 2018.
Saturday, January 6th, 2018
Session 1 - 10:30 a.m.
Session 2 - 1:00 p.m.
Join Dino Chris, our knowledgeable volunteer, as he discusses a group of dinosaurs known as the "raptors."  These infamous animals include well-known species like Velociraptor, from the Jurassic Park movie franchise.  From the smallest to the biggest, Chris will introduce museum guests to the vast number of different species that are known to science.  Kid-friendly and family-approved, this presentation is educational and fun.  These presentations will take place at 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Price: Normal Admission
No need to RSVP.  Just come as you are!
The Tyrannosaurs
Saturday, January 13th, 2018
Session 1 - 10:30 a.m.
Session 2 - 1:00 p.m.
Join Dino Chris as he talks about the most famous dinosaurs of all time:  The Tyrannosaurs.  Today, a few dozen species are known from the tiny Dilong, to the incredible Tyrannosaurus rex, one of which lived in Wausau this past spring! Chris will introduce museum guests to these amazing animals, and show off some of the awesome fossils from the Colossal Fossils collection.  Kid-friendly and family-approved, this presentation is educational and fun.  These presentations will take place at 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Price: Normal Admission
No need to RSVP.  Just come as you are!
Colossal Fossils Flashlight Tours
Saturday, January 20th & 27th, 2018
Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The flashlight tours are back!  After the successful flashlight tours from our last exhibit, "Age of Humans," we decided to do it again with our current exhibit, "Predators and Prey."  This will be your last chance to see some incredible dinosaurs from the Mesozoic period, and this time, most of the lights will be off.  Bring your flashlights!
Price: Normal Admission
No need to RSVP.  Just come as you are!
Note: These presentations may be subject to rescheduling, but only if there is an opportunity to fill their place with a special talk that is even more awesome or colossal.  Keep up to date on any of these changes via our website or our Facebook page.

Tags: Events 

Steph Daniels

Stephanie Daniels is the co-founder and vice president of Colossal Fossils, Inc.