The Mammoth Hunter
Sean Sullivan is extraordinary. As soon as you meet the guy, you can see it. He is a rare treasure to have in the Wausau community and, on January 20th, he will be showcasing his collection of ancient, paleolithic tools, and talking about how they were made. Sean is a local enthusiast of all things stone age, ice age, and more.

In the past, if you have seen the atlatl and darts at our museum (usually nestled comfortably below our skull of the Hebior wooly mammoth), it was Sean who handmade those items for our collection.
This special event at the Colossal Fossils Downtown Museum will highlight Sean and his unique storytelling capabilities. We cannot wait to see you at this event. It has been featured in the Wausau Daily Herald in an article by Keith Uhlig (, as well as on our Facebook event page:

Event Details:
The Mammoth Hunter
Saturday, January 20, 2018
@ the Colossal Fossils Downtown Museum (East end of Wausau Center Mall)
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.