Climate: Warm and dry
Famous Animals: Coelophysis, Eoraptor
About: Following a devastating extinction that eliminated most of Earth’s life at the end of the Permian period, the Triassic marks the beginning of a new era. This is also when the first dinosaurs evolved, lived and survived, becoming one of the most dominant animal groups for millions of years.
Climate: The early Jurassic was still quite arid, but as the landmasses centered themselves over the equator, conditions became mostly tropical.
Famous Animals: Allosaurus, Stegosaurus
About: The Jurassic was a time of abundance for the dinosaurs. Large, long-necked sauropods lived all over the world, and armored dinosaurs like Stegosaurus lived amongst predators like Allosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Ceratosaurus.
Climate: For the most part, it was very warm, but seasonal changes became more extreme, forcing animals to migrate from year to year.
Famous Animals: Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops
About: During the Cretaceous, the landmasses began to break apart and resemble how they look today. Long-necked sauropods still flourished in South America, and in North America large herds of duck-billed ornithopods and horned ceratopsians dominated. Of course, they lived alongside famous predators like Tyrannosaurus and its close relatives. This is also when the first flowering plants evolved.