Some of the folks we

have worked with:

Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh

The Wausau Center for Visual Arts

The Wausau YWCA

Marathon Public Library System

The Boys & Girls Club of Wausau

Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

UW - Marathon County

Primrose Retirement Community

Forest Park Village

Harmony Living Center

St. Anne’s Catholic School (Wausau)

Mount View (North Central Healthcare)

The Renaissance Retirement Community

Mosinee School District

Texas-Hewitt School

Rennes Health & Rehab

Barron County Boys & Girls Club

Colossal Fossils
About Us

Our permanent location can be found in downtown Wausau, WI at the Wausau Center Mall.


It’s simple: To serve and educate as many people, primarily children, about our planet and the creatures that have lived on Earth throughout its 4.6 billion year history. We are an educational, science-based organization and we teach children about concepts such as evolution and natural selection.

Our Goal

With a collection of museum quality fossils and fossil replicas, Colossal Fossils teaches people about fascinating plants and animals. The collection contains fossils from many dinosaurs, mammals, plants, and corals. We have fossils that range from tiny shells to the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex. From mammoth tusks to giant bear skulls, and each year, the collection grows larger.

We have a wide range of different programs that can be modified to meet your specific needs. For a list of our available programs, which are designed to meet and exceed Wisconsin’s educational standards, click here.

Our Programs

Stephanie and David Daniels, members of Colossal Fossils

Founded in October, 2011 by a group of teachers, college professors, and business people, Colossal Fossils Inc. was designed to provide interactive natural history programs to schools and communities of Wisconsin. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Colossal Fossils Inc. was Founded in October, 2011